
IC Information

Basic Details
Full Name: Roka Ichiki
Age: 23
Nameday: 5th Sun of the Third Astral moon ( May 5th )
Relationship Status: Married to Salina Sagahl. Mate to Alara Phoenix.
Birthplace: Southern Corethas Mountains.
Current Residence: The Mists: Ward 23, Plot 43 (Balmung)
Languages: Eorzean, Xalic
Occupation: Martial Artist, Co-Owner of Lavenders Rest

Phsical Apprence:
Race: Meqo'te
Sex / Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Sky blue
Hight: 5 flums, 8 ilms
Weight: 175lb
Body Type: Slinder
Aether aspected towards Lightning

The Story Thus Far...

(( This section will take time to plan and type. so is in a perpetual stat of 'incomplete' You have been warned. ))

Roka was born into a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te Tribe within the southern mountain tops of Corthas. Her Tribes heritage could be traced back all the way the eastern lands of Othard around the Yanxia regen. However, that is all anyone knows of for now...

Roka's mother, Yulih Ichiki, made a courageous decision to take herself and her young daughter away from their clan at an early age. This was to ensure Roka's safety and protect her from a powerful branch family known as the Kuraiki. The Kuraiki family coveted the complete control of the Ichiki clan, along with all its well-guarded secrets. Roka's father, Suruji'a Kuraiki, deeply concerned for the safety of his wife and daughter, supported their departure from the clan before any harm could befall them. The fate of the Ichiki clan remains unknown since they left.

Shortly thereafter, Yulih found herself wandering the lands in search of work, not only to sustain herself but also to provide for her young daughter, Roka. As fate would have it, the mother-daughter duo crossed paths with a small, seasoned group of adventurers who called themselves the 'Heroes Guild.' This spirited bunch operated their own tavern known as 'A Heroes Rest,' a haven where weary adventurers could seek solace, drinks, and camaraderie after long and arduous days.
As time passed, Roka continued to grow, and the kind-hearted adventurers not only provided for her and her mother but embraced her as if she were their very own daughter. They became her family, guiding and nurturing her alongside her mother. Roka dedicated herself to rigorous martial arts training under the tutelage of her master, affectionately known as 'Uncle Zin,' a seasoned Viea with an extensive knowledge of hand-to-hand combat.Beyond physical training, she also received education in reading, writing, and the fundamentals of aether from 'Grandpa Zaza,' a wise albeit somewhat cranky Lalafell mage. Whenever she found herself in trouble, a protective figure and fatherly presence, the imposing Maelstrom Lieutenant 'Swyrbyrm,' stepped in to teach and discipline her. The art of sword fighting was passed down to her by a skilled Hyr pirate hunter she fondly referred to as 'Uncle Arey.'Most importantly, whenever sadness weighed upon her, her dependable 'big brother,' Sir. Cus, a talented Hyr bard, knew precisely how to bring a smile back to her face. As time went on, these extraordinary individuals, along with her mother, became Roka's entire world.

For countless cycles, Roka lived alongside her mother and the guild, cherishing those moments until her 18th birthday. However, her mother's health had been declining, and eventually, her body could no longer endure, leading to her passing. Yet, before departing, she left Roka with a cherished heirloom - a small hat that Roka would wear atop her head, a constant reminder of her beloved mother. The loss weighed heavily on Roka's heart for many moons, but the supportive guild family helped her find the strength to carry on.
At the age of 19, upon returning from a training journey with her Uncle Zin, Roka was met with a devastating sight - the Heroes Rest, their sanctuary, had been ruthlessly attacked and reduced to ruins by an unknown assailant. The guild members decided to disperse and investigate the cause, entrusting Roka's care to Swyrbyrm during their absence. As another year passed, Roka, now 20, yearned to embark on her own adventures, seeking her path. With Swyr's approval, she set forth, and thus, her own journey began...
- ( to be continued )-

Friends and Family

Salina Sagahl

Roka's Wife, and Former Knight Commander of a group called the Crystal Order. Salina, or as Roka refers to her, "Lina". is a Xalia form the Azim Steppes, but was raised in Ul'dah. Roka having met her in the Crystal Order. The two ended up relying on each other in there time of personal and emotional need. Thus the two have been close to each other ever since.
Carrd Link: Salina Sgahl

Alara Phoenix

Alara, is a very young Vierain girl. Leaving her village and the safety of the forest to pursue her dream of being an Adventurer. Having met Roka on her travels, the two of them have become very close friends with one another. To the point that Roka is proud to be someone she loves, and will flaunt it by loving her back all the same.
Carrd Link: n/a

Swyrbyrm Wyznwilfsyn

Affectionately known as Swyr to most, stands as Roka's father figure. A seasoned Postmaster, a distinguished Maelstrom Lieutenant, and a seasoned adventurer, this stalwart Roegadyn played a pivotal role in Roka's upbringing alongside her mother. With his watchful gaze, he has always ensured that the young Miqo'te stayed clear of unnecessary peril. When it comes to safeguarding those in need, there's no one better suited for the task than him.
Carrd Link: n/a

Mao Sange-rau

Mao is a complex individual with a lengthy and intricate history, wearing many different masks throughout her life. Her connection with Roka mirrors this complexity, if not surpassing it. Together, they've experienced the highs and lows, witnessing each other's best and worst moments. They can be the closest of friends one moment and fierce adversaries the next. Despite the turbulence in their relationship, they unfailingly rally to each other's side when it truly counts..
Carrd Link: n/a

Eden Cirrus

Eden, Is a strange Hyur girl, with an even stranger past. She is a young Aetheryte Engineer, and scholar in training. She ran into Roka, in search for a way to pursue her interest in technology, and Aetherical Teleportation. The latter of which caught Roka's own interest. Eden not having many friends of her own, has grew fond of Roka being so friendly with her, and Roka only wishes that the relationship with her new friend grows even stronger.
Carrd Link: Eden Cirrus

Chunchunori Ririnori

Chunchunori, fondly known as 'Chun.' He's the beloved Lalafell who everyone adores. While he dabbles in various skills without mastering any, he's undeniably a culinary virtuoso in his own right. Throughout Roka's numerous escapades, Chun emerges as one of her closest companions. Always ready to offer a supportive shoulder to lean on or serve as a punching bag, depending on his fondness for you. But don't be fooled by his diminutive stature. This pint-sized powerhouse has triumphed in battles against opponents five times his size.
Carrd Link: n/a